How Do You Find the Right Support Worker Match?

If you're looking to find a support worker to help with the personal care of you or your loved one, then the great news is that this is covered by NDIS funding.

However, with so many disability support workers out there, how do you ensure that you've chosen the right one for your needs?

Here at Gracious Australia, our support workers specialise in providing tailored assistance for NDIS participants. This means that we understand exactly how to make the right match for individuals, young people, and families in our care.

We'll therefore explain the key things to keep in mind when looking for your ideal support worker, and how we can help in the match-making process.

What Is a Support Worker Match?

Support workers fall under Core Budget Supports in an NDIS plan, which provides funding for assistance with self-care activities and community participation.

Depending on your condition, unique needs, and preferences, this support can cover many different areas, from domestic help to mental health therapy support.

The main goal is to help improve your independence and quality of life. However, all support workers have different approaches, qualifications, and personalities that may make them better suited to one client over another.

Ultimately, what makes the right support worker match will vary from person to person. For example, some clients may prefer support workers who meet the criteria in terms of skills and experience. Others might simply champion someone with a similar personality who can empathise with them.

Finding the right match is crucial for ensuring that you receive the top-quality care that you deserve.

How to Find the Right Support Worker Match

To help you choose the best candidate, here are 4 actions that we'd recommend taking before making your final decision:

Consider Your Independent Needs

Every disability support worker is unique, with different skill sets and areas of knowledge that make them better suited to helping people of particular ages, genders, or with specific interests.

To ensure that you choose someone who can provide support for your particular needs, one of the most important things to consider is your schedule, and at what times during the day or night you require the most help.

For instance, you may need in-home support with getting washed and dressed in the morning. Alternatively, for those with limited mobility or greater accessibility needs, assistance with travelling to work or appointments during the day could be more appropriate.

The areas you need most help in can also depend on your living environment. Someone living alone may require a higher level of support than another person residing in their family home or a house share, for example.

Ensure They Have NDIS Approval

Disability support workers should have gone through a compulsory screening check, which you can find through the NDIS Worker Screening Database. This ensures that they don't present a risk of harm to people with disabilities.

Having NDIS approval also demonstrates that they are fully equipped with the knowledge and experience to properly support participants through their toughest times.

For instance, they should be dedicated to improving peoples' independence, encouraging them to acquire new skills, and helping them get out and about in their local communities.

Prepare Questions

Along with being able to meet your unique support requirements, you should also get on well with your disability support worker. This could include having shared interests that you can discuss, or simply feeling that they listen to you with care and compassion.

We'd therefore recommend setting up a call, or meeting potential support workers in a neutral location like a local cafe or library, before making your final choice.

As well as seeing whether your personalities click, this also provides the opportunity to get to know them and find out if they can truly meet your needs.

Some questions that you may wish to prepare include:

  • Do you have experience in providing personal care?
  • What type of support worker jobs have you had before?
  • Do you live nearby?
  • What are your hobbies and interests?
  • How do you prefer to communicate with clients?
  • In which areas do you have training?
  • What would you do in...? (provide details of a specific situation)

Get Referrals and Recommendations

As part of your NDIS funding, you may have access to a support coordinator. Part of their role is to connect you with the appropriate disability support services and empower you to make your own decisions regarding your care.

This means that they are extremely knowledgeable about getting the most out of your plan, including picking out support workers that are relevant to you.

Word-of-mouth referrals from friends and family, your GP, and organisations like Gracious Australia can also often be the key to finding the best disability support worker in your local area.

What Should You Consider For Children?

As well as adults with disabilities, NDIS support workers also work closely with children and young people. They can assist with everything from washing and dressing, to helping your child attend clubs and make new friends.

The main goal of children's support services is to help them learn how to navigate the world as they grow, giving them the confidence and independence to succeed in life.

So, if you're hoping to find the right support worker match for your child, the first thing to look for is proof of an NDIS Worker Screening Check. They should also have a separate Working with Children Check and a First Aid Certificate.

Along with being able to meet the unique needs of children, the right support worker should be able to ease some of the pressure that parents and carers of children with disabilities often experience.

This could involve helping kids with daily activities like completing homework or travelling to after-school hobbies, therefore giving parents more time to focus on other responsibilities, such as working and preparing healthy meals.

Find Your Support Worker Match Today

As an NDIS approved provider of disability support services, at Gracious Australia we're here to help in the areas you need it most.

Our dedicated and hard-working support workers provide personalised care for those with physical disabilities and mental health conditions, tailoring their support to include anything from meal preparation to attending social events.

Let us help you or your loved one make the right support worker match today – simply contact our friendly team for more information.