Why Choice And Control Is Crucial In Building A Personalized Care Plan

There are over 2.5 million carers in Australia providing living support to disabled and elderly citizens for everyday living. If you or your loved one requires assistance for most daily activities, you’ll know that finding autonomy and freedom is essential.

Choice and control are at the heart of developing a personalised care plan. Of course, the level of choice is contingent upon which of the support categories you are in.

Keep reading as we explore the benefits of choice and control for personalised care plans. We also take a deep dive into the options you can choose from to gain more control over your personal development and capacity building using the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

What Does Choice And Control Mean?

Choice and control is a term at the foundation of the support offered by the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) to people with disabilities. The service respects that the people they serve have the right to carve their path and take control of the decisions that will affect their daily lives.

In essence, choice and control mean that NDIS-approved disability support services will not use a one-size-fits-all policy for those in the same support categories. Every client is unique and deserves total autonomy over what happens in their daily life.

The challenges of physical disabilities and mental health conditions like autism spectrum disorder mean that support is needed for living, working, and socialising healthily. So, making room for autonomy, choice, and freedom wherever possible is a top priority for the NDIS and support services funded by the scheme.

Why Is Choice And Control So Important?

Freedom is an essential component of a good quality of life. Let's discuss some benefits of choice and control in NDIS personalised care planning:

Developing Life Skills

Making decisions for yourself based on your own needs and desires will help you understand your priorities, limitations, and strengths more accurately.

By understanding these things, you can navigate your daily life with ease. Building confidence in decision-making is an essential aspect of personal freedom, allowing you to gain the independence that you deserve.

Taking Advice on Board

During the planning process, national disability services will be available to provide support and advice that can help you achieve your long-term goals, whether they involve social, mental, or financial well-being.

Once these goals are outlined, the plan will denote the recommended steps you should take to bring these goals to fruition. However, the NDIS also offers plan variations, so you have the choice and control to change your mind.

This acts as a learning experience, where you can weigh external advice and your own internal judgement to make the best decision for you or your loved one.

Social Factors

Your care plan affects not just you but your family and social life, too. By offering more choice and control, NDIS plans can help you factor in all elements of your life in the decisions you make.

For instance, there is a wide range of options available for social and community participation, including gym memberships, volunteering, social classes, and life skills classes. With NDIS funding, you can make your own decisions regarding activities that will enhance your quality of life.

Feeling Heard

When so much of your life is managed by support workers and teams, it can be challenging to feel like your voice matters. By offering choice and control, NDIS-approved support services ensure that there's more credence given to your voice, your choices, and your values.

How Is Choice And Control Put Into Practice?

To help you better understand how the choice and control initiative works, let's explore how it's put into practice. Here are some of the choices you'll be able to make for your NDIS plan management:

  • Your long-term goals (what long-term milestones you'd like to achieve through your NDIS planner).
  • The providers you work with (who you'll be surrounded with on a daily basis).
  • The supports and services (such as social and community participation) you participate in to meet your goals.

Here are some of the areas where the NDIS supports full control and autonomy:

  • Where and who you live with (carers, peers, family)
  • How you manage your NDIS plan (with or without a plan manager
  • When you receive support
  • How you receive support
  • Where you receive support (at home, at work, at school, etc.)
  • Continuously updating and amending your care plan based on when your own life and circumstances change

NDIS Funding Flexibility

The NDIS is flexible in how you choose to use their funding. You or your loved one can access a core budget that can be split across various support categories such as core supports, capacity building, and capital supports.

Here's a little more about these funding budgets for your NDIS plan:

  • Core supports: The means to access consumables, support with daily life, social and community participation, and transport.
  • Capital supports: The means to purchase assistive home appliances and installations, as well as assistive technology for work and daily life.
  • Capacity building supports: This budget helps you to fund accommodation, health, well-being, home living, employment needs, and relationship management resources.

Some of these support budgets allow you to access care through an NDIS-approved disability support provider, who can assist you in leading a more independent, fulfilled life.

Choosing a Service Provider

You deserve a fair and reasonable rate for the resources you use with your NDIS plan funds, along with access to a top-quality support service that treats you with dignity and compassion.

The NDIS-approved provider you choose should meet your unique needs, preferences, and budget. They should listen to your queries and concerns before creating a care plan that takes all of these elements into consideration, giving you the choice and control that you deserve.

You also have the power to continuously negotiate and update your service agreements when your circumstances change.

How We Support Your Choice and Control

To live life to its fullest, you should take advantage of the control and choice principles at the heart of NDIS. Consider your choices and options in line with what you want to get from NDIS funds, whether it be support oriented around your social life, employment, or community participation.

Here at Gracious Australia, we believe your NDIS care plan should work for you, rather than against you. Although we take great responsibility for those in our care, we also offer the choice and freedom for you or your loved one to access the personal support you feel you need to improve your quality of life.

To find out more about our services, and discover how we could help you or your loved one, speak to our friendly team today.